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Last updated
Name : Blockchain With Environment
Symbol : BWE
Chain : ERC20
Token Contract : 0xf9C67A87E43722476db3719BA2072dBd5EE3A7Bd
Max Supply : 100,000,000
Utility Token for games by theme
: Each theme (underwater/sky/forest) functions as goods, fees, and rewards in P2E.
Utility Token of NFT ecosystem by theme
: Functions as a fee and reward for issuing exchanging NFTs (fish/birds/animals and plants) for each theme.
Utility Token of BWE integrated platform
: Common goods of the integrated platform, fees for NFT registration and participation in metaverse contents, and functions as transaction units and fees for NFT marketplaces.
Governance Token
: Decision-making through voting by the DAO community is the basis for determining the direction of the BWE platform and services.