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In Metaqua, you can use various items to nurture, grow, and breed the organisms you are cultivating. For smooth play, players must acquire the characteristics of the objects they own according to the in-game instructions and information, and provide the appropriate water temperature/pH concentration/breeding environment. In the store, players can purchase and use items that are essential to the game, or items to facilitate play, with Gold / Points earned through the game.
Shop Items
Autofeeder (automatically feeds the setup tank)
Filter (to prevent deterioration of the installation tank water quality)
Heater (temperature can only be set upwards from 24)
Cooler (can only be set down to 24 degrees Celsius)
Alder Berries (lowers default reset PH by 0.1 per piece)
Bone Coral (raises default reset PH by 0.1 per piece)
Cure (treating diseased fish)
Growth Enhancer 60M (accelerates fish growth time to adulthood by 60 minutes)
Breeding Booster 60M (accelerates fish's breeding wait time by 60 minutes)