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A marketplace where players can freely trade the objects they have acquired. Players can experience the UI/UX like an exchange, and in effect, one type of species feels like a single stock and is traded according to supply and demand. Metaqua's unique environment, with its order book and transaction history, provides players with new fun that they have never experienced in a typical mobile game.
Market Guide
The exchange registers the fish in the inventory.
Exchange fee is 5% (excluding NFT trading gas fee)
Fish that do not issue NFTs are traded in the form of an order book and are traded in the order of their price range.
Fish that are issued NFTs are traded individually, and all data such as live prey eaten and growth figures are preserved.
Every fish has a minimum price and no maximum price limit. BWE tokens are used for transactions, which are settled to one decimal place.
Minimum price per tier
Normal - 1BWE / Common - 5BWE / Rare - 25BWE / Epic - 100BWE / Legendary - 1000BWE S.Normal - 200BWE / S.Common - 300BWE / S.Rare - 500BWE / S.Epic - 1000BWE / S.Legendary - 2000BWE
Average price, lowest price, highest price, and volume for the last 3 months of trading for each fish.
All information such as the maximum number of reproductions and lifespan of Normal~Rare fish will be reset when the fish owner changes.