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The scope of the ecosystem will expand as the world expands from tank to pond to river to ocean. Starting with rare fish and ornamental fish in the early tanks and increasing to a wide variety of marine life in the ocean update, players will be able to learn and understand the characteristics, survival and reproduction requirements, and food chains of different marine species.
Each object has a unique characteristic called Type/Sex/Rarity.
At launch, Metaqua will start with 23 species of rare fish and ornamental fish in tanks, with additional objects to be added in smaller updates. (Listed below are the 23 species)
All individuals have a male/female sex and require two sexes and a breeding environment to grow the population through reproduction.
And every object has a unique Rarity (more on that later): the higher the tier, the scarcer it is probabilistically, and the higher the value it will trade for on the in-game Market (more on that later).
Rarity can be stochastically increased through synthesis, and objects of a certain rarity or higher can be NFT to become a unique asset.
Osteoglossinae Lplatinum
Africa Nyerere
Scalare Angel
Pterophyllum Scalare
Brazil Peru Venezuela
convict cichlid
Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus
Central and South America
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi
Venezuela Colombia
Blue Kenyi
Pseudotropheus Lombardoi
Lake Malawi, Africa
Electric Yellow Cichlid
Labidochromis caeruleus
Lake Malawi, Africa
Black Phantom Tetra
Hyphessobrycon megalopterus
Rio San Francisco, Brazil
Buenos Aires Tetra
Hyphessobrycon anisitsi
Brazil Argentina Paraguay
Glowlight Danio
Danio Choprae
Dwarf Gouramis
Colisa Lalia
India Ganges River, India Jumna River, India Bramaputra River
Altum Angelfish
Pterophyllum Altum
Brazil Venezuela Colombia
Discus Tiger Turquoise
Amazon River, South America
Green terror
Andinoacara rivulatus
Amazon River, South America
Blue Ahli
Sciaenochromis ahli
Lake Malawi, Africa
Astronotus Ocellatus
Lake Malawi, Africa
Zebra Otocinclus
Otocinclus affinis
Glass Knifefish
Eigenmannia virescens
Discus Pigeon Blood
Amazon River, South America
Silver Arowana
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum
Amazon River, South America
Black Arowana
Osteoglossum ferreirai
Amazon River, South America
Asian Arowana
Scleropages formosus
Amazon River, South America
Discus RedMoon
Amazon River, South America
Osteoglossinae platinum
Africa Nyerere
Coming Soon